Thursday, October 11, 2012

LypSyl Intense Protection LypMoisturizer™

I was super excited to see this LypSyl Intense Protection Lypoisturizer upon opening my Naturals VoxBox. I have been eyeing this lip balm at my local Target for a while now but I was waiting to finish my other lip balms I had in my collection. This was the very first product I opened (You could say that I made a "bee-line" towards it). The packaging is really nice. You push up the lip balm by pushing on the bee on the side of the balm. This is the smoothest, longest lasting lip balm I have ever used (If I don't drink any beverages it lasts at least three hours at the minimum). I have been using this lip balm daily and from how much product is left I would say it lasts a pretty long time.  Really great product! I am glad that I got to try this product in time for the harsh fall/winter new England winter that lies ahead. My lips suffer horribly during the colder months. I definitely want to try the lip balm they offer with spf too. This product retails for 2.87-2.99.*

For more information about this product, visit

*I received this product complimentary through Influenster.

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